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Pivot Stand                                                                                                                       

The Heindl Pivot stand lifts just about any sport bike that has at least an 8mm hole in each end of the 

swingarm pivot bolt.  The stand has stainless steel pivot pins that turn as you lift your bike which allows 

smooth operation. 


The Pivot Stand is extremely easy for one person to use: no more worries about dropping your bike or 

needing someone to help you.   Extra long lifting handle combined with ergonomically correct lifting 

geometry allows you to effortlessly raise your bike.


When in use, the rear wheel is raised 2-3 inches off the ground.  The bike can then be "rocked" backward 

with the use of a support of some sort under the engine case, allowing the front end to be raised.


No need for a front stem stand:  You can completely remove the front end of your bike with the use of our 

pivot stand.

Black powder coat finish for durability. 



Hours: Tues through Friday 10-3

Other times by Appointment

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Copyright 2024 Heindl Engineering, LLC

(937) 787-3686 heindlural@gmail.com